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Ethnic minority women who experience the criminal justice system are affected by multiple disadvantages and discrimination based on gender, ethnicity, and religion, more than often they are on their own when trying to restart their lives.


Negative experiences such as stereotyping, and discrimination can damage their self-identity and inhibit engagement with their resettlement. Upon release one of the first questions that may come up dur­ing their re-entry pro­cess into the community is: “Where do I start?” .


While feeling already extremely vulnerable in their own communities, it is crucial to listen to their experiences and support them. SHEWISE is commited to do this through our Reconnect and Rebuild resttlement programme. 




Reconnect and Rebuild resettlement programme is holistically designed to deliver high value, customized services and support for women who have been offended and who wish to stop.


We provide advice, guidance, signposting, counselling and skills development training leading to achieving sustainable changes in income through employment or business start-ups.  

We support them to develop positive identity, self-belief, and people skills helping them to build good personal and community relationships.

Given the social stigma and other sensitivities surrounding Asian women and criminality, we identified a gap for lack of support and profound racial disparities in opportunity that exists in our society for Asian women leaving prison.


"Reconnect & Rebuild" project was initiated to overcome these barriers and to create pathways for women to reclaim their lives, and re-join their families and their communities.

Through Reconnect & Rebuild, we hope to provide measures of help to those looking to return to and rebuild their lives.


Reconnect & Rebuild programme supports and addresses the often overlooked interconnected issues of faith, ethnicity, and gender, as well as dishonour, shame, disownment, stereotyping and lack of family and community support upon release. 

​Our support programmes, along with follow-on support create an ecosystem of opportunities including access to housing, mental health care, family services, job training, and community connection as well as: 

  • 1-1 sessions to establish their needs upon release.

  • Help so they can build self-confidence and self-esteem which focuses on personal development.

  • How they can overcome cultural barriers when faced with family and the wider community.

  • How they can access services which often they are unable to, due to "shame".

  • What can be done to stop them from re-offending?

  • Providing a platform to learn new skills and to become financially independent and stable though employment and self-employment opportunities.


Holy Trinity Church, 6 High Street Hounslow, TW3 1HG  |  Tel: 0333 1881 5005

Job Train­ing
Find pro­grammes that provide edu­ca­tion and job skills they need to return to work and access employment and self-employment opportunities.

Hous­ing and Social benefits  

Applying for benefits, getting inform­a­tion on housing, and rehab centres that are open to formerly incar­cer­ated people.


Accessing adult education classes and courses.

Men­tal Health

Loc­ate clin­ics, hos­pit­als, and  treat­ment centres that provide men­tal health services, one-to-one confidence building and mentoring.


Find free and afford­able food and food banks.​

Debt management

Financial understanding and avoiding debts.

Addic­tion Services

Search addic­tion treat­ment centres and sup­port groups in the area.

Leg­al Aid

Get afford­able or free leg­al advice.


Facilitation of family connection and supervised contact with children.

For our full list of resources, click here

We provide a cent­ral hub of resources and inform­a­tion helping women to navigate life on the outside. We can provide you details for:

Contact Details 

Our Supporters and Partners 

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