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Wellbeing Support


Li Îngilîstan û Walesê, ji pêncan yek ji me ji paşxaneyek etnîkî ya hindikahiyên etnîkî tê.

Pirsgirêkên wekî nîjadperestî , stigma û newekheviya zayendî dikare bandorê li tenduristiya derûnî ya jinên ji civakên etnîkî bike.

Rewş bi taybetî ji bo hin jinên di civakên hindikahiyê de dijwar e, ku astengiyên li ber ziman û çandê dikarin lêgerîn û wergirtina alîkariyê dijwar bikin.

Vebijêrk hene ku ji we re bibin alîkar ku hûn hin ji van astengan derbas bikin. Heke pirsgirêkên te yên derûnî hene, hûn dikarin alîkariyê bistînin. Ger pirsgirêkên we di warên xwe yên başbûnê de hebin, rê hene ku hûn bi vê yekê re mijûl bibin û lênihêrîna xwe baştir bikin.

Em ji jinên ji pêkhateyên etnîkî yên hindikahiyê re xizmetên bextewariyê pêşkêş dikin.

Ji bo bêtir agahdarî bi me re têkilî daynin

SHEWISE Women & Girls Wellbeing Hub

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SHEWISE Charity is thrilled to announce the launch of the Women & Girls’ Wellbeing Hub, a safe and inclusive space dedicated to supporting the health and wellness of women and girls from all backgrounds. The hub offers a welcoming environment where visitors can explore health topics, attend educational sessions, and connect with others. From NHS-led discussions to bilingual materials, the hub ensures that health information is accessible and tailored to the needs of a diverse community. Visitors can also enjoy socializing over tea, with transport available for those who need it, making the hub a truly accessible and community-focused initiative.

At its core, the hub empowers women and girls to take charge of their health by offering tools, resources, and a confidential space to discuss personal topics and gain confidence. With multilingual staff and translation services, the hub removes barriers to understanding healthcare and making informed decisions. By prioritizing connection, education, and support, the Women & Girls’ Wellbeing Hub creates a transformative space where women can thrive and feel empowered to advocate for their wellbeing. For more information, contact SHEWISE at

Our Aims 

Promote Health Services

Improving awareness of women’s medical and healthcare services catering to women’s general health issues, via bilingual and culturally relevant materials.

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Encourage Fitness and Physical Wellness

Offering yoga, meditation, and other physical activities for women, aimed at improving physical health and wellbeing.

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Create Community and Support Networks

Creating spaces for women to connect with peers, share experiences, and build supportive relationships.

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Improve Access to Mental Health Support

Providing counselling and support groups to address mild to moderate mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, stress, and trauma.

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Provide Educational 


Conducting workshops and sessions on health and wellbeing topics. We aim to make many of these sessions bilingual or in South Asian and Middle Eastern languages.

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